Massú falls two ATP rankings; Capdeville returns to "top 100"

Nicolás Massú woke up this morning to find himself number 80 in the "Entrance System" of the Professional Tennis Association (ATP), but should begin to move back up this week as he is set to debut in Auckland on Monday at 7:00 PM.

07 de Enero de 2008 | 14:09 | El Mercurio Online

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SANTIAGO.- Nicolás Massú is off to a good start in sports, the numbers however, indicate differently following the issuance of the latest ranking ATP this morning, which shows the player from Viña del Mar in position number 80 –two slots lower than last week.

Paul Capdeville, on the other hand, moved back into the classification's top 100 players despite having lost his debut match at the Chennai Tournament in India.

Only two Chileans have held their positions: Fernando Gonzáles (7) and Julio Peralta (771). Adrián García, silver metal winner at the Rio de Janeiro Panamericano tournament, was another player who slipped in the ranks today, coming in at number 184 in the world.

García fell a rung in the classification and hopes to begin to improve his position next week at the Challenger tournament in La Serena.

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