Puccio trusts that "solid" defense for Chileans detained in Spain will lead to their release

The Chilean ambassador to Spain has said that national authorities are monitoring the situation of Rodrigo Lanza and Álex Cisternas.

09 de Enero de 2008 | 14:26 | Macarena Yunge, El Mercurio Online

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SANTIAGO.- Although he did not wish to offer any speculation as to the trial involving the two Chileans arrested in Spain, he said that he is hopeful that the proceedings will end well for the young men accused of beating a police officer.

Puccio added that Chilean authorities have demonstrated constant concern for 23 year-old Rodrigo Lanza Huidobro and 24 year-old Álex Cisternas Améstica.

He mentioned that the two men are very nervous as they face the climax of their two-year long ordeal.

Lanza and Cisternas, along with Argentine citizen Juan Pintos Garrido and six Europeans are accused if beating a Barcelona police officer, leaving him in a vegetative state.

The Chilean ambassador did not wish to categorize the case as an act of xenophobia, arguing that it is not his place to make that kind of statement due to the sensitive nature of the matter amongst the Spanish authorities and population.

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