Heavy rains affect 25 thousand people in Iquique

Emergency crews worked all night and through the morning, handing out blankets and nylon rope to repair homes that have been damaged.

15 de Enero de 2008 | 12:58 | Narciso Donoso, corresponsal El Mercurio

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IQUIQUE.- Heavy rains reported since midnight last night have affected close to 25 thousand people in the city of Iquique, causing electrical blackouts in 80% of the region and damaging 60% of homes in the area.

The regional fire department in Iquique has responded to six structural emergencies, one vehicle accident and a collapsed roof incident during this storm that has affected 246 people the municipality of Pozo Almonte and 46 people in La Tirana.

In the town of Huara, another one of the areas strongest hit by the storm, 800 people have been affected and three families are stranded in the Aroma Ravine.

Emergency crews worked all night and through the morning, handing out blankets and nylon rope to repair damaged houses while workers attempt to restore electricity to the region. 

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