Mayor of Valparaíso: Cost of fire damage exceeds $1 billion pesos

The government plans to offer assistance and resources to restore some normalcy to the lives of those affected by the disaster.

15 de Enero de 2008 | 13:00 | El Mercurio Online

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SANTIAGO.- The damages resulting from the fierce fire that was reported yesterday on La Cruz hill could be between 1 and 1.5 billion pesos. According to the mayor of Valparaíso, Aldo Cornejo, the blaze destroyed 70 homes and injured 36 people.

Cornejo explained that, although the precise figure is difficult to estimate due to the diverse housing conditions in the area, the reconstruction alone of these homes could exceed 600 million pesos.

During an interview with Radio Cooperativa, Cornejo also stated that he had spoken to the Minister of Interior, Edmundo Pérez Yoma, who has made a commitment to provide the resources needed to return some normalcy to the lives of those affected.

A red alert was issued for the disaster, which is considered to be one of the worst in the last 20 years, and some 100 homes were evacuated in the El Vergo area. Those affected by the fire took shelter at the Escuela España, while 28 people who were injured were taken to Hospital Carlos van Buren.

According to medical reports, Patricia Valenzuela Salazar is the patient in the most critical condition, with burns covering 90% of her body.

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