Fernando González falls to 24 in the ATP ranking

Although he was a finalist last year, the Chilean tennis player has abandoned his ranking in the top ten after being defeated during the third round of the Australian Open.

28 de Enero de 2008 | 16:51 | El Mercurio Online

SANTIAGO.- Chilean tennis player Fernando González appeared in the 24th position of the ATP ranking on Monday, removing him from the top ten players list for the first time in one year and four months.

Gonzaléz slipped after a loss during the third round of the Australian Open, where he was not able match his previous score. Last season he reached the tournament finals.

González plummeted 17 slots in the ranking, registering the biggest drop of any of the top 25 players.

Nicolás Massú also slid down on the ranking, although he only moved one slot, to the 70th position, while Paul Capdeville remains in position number 100.

The three Chilean players continue playing this week at the ATP tournament in Viña del Mar. Massú is scheduled to debut tonight against Argentine player Sergio Roitman (no. 72), while González and Capedeville are set to play against each other during the first round.

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