Police clear out two universities in Valdivia and Santiago

The most extensive evacuation took place at the Universidad Austral, where more than 300 students were forced to the leave the Teja Island campus.

16 de Junio de 2008 | 13:55 | El Mercurio Online

SANTIAGO.- So far, almost 50 people have been arrested during two campus evacuations carried out by police officials in Valdivia and Santiago.

The most extensive evacuation took place in Valdivia, where just after 6:00 AM this morning more than 300 students were forced to leave the Teja Island campus of the Universidad Austral.

Despite the fact that students dispersed peacefully, law enforcement used high-pressure hoses at the campus entrance to break up demonstrators.

The demonstration at the university facility had been going on for more than a month and five students have been on a hunger strike.

The decision to clear the area was made by university authorities.  So far, 40 individuals have been arrested as confrontations between students and police officers continue at the entrance to the campus.

Meanwhile, another evacuation was performed in Santiago, this time at the main campus of the Universidad de Santiago (Usach), in the municipality of Estación Central, where 8 people were detained.

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