Bachelet laments "two-party conglomerate" generated by Supreme Court appointments

The president stated that she respects the decision made by the Senate, ceasing her insistence on Pfeiffer.

01 de Agosto de 2008 | 14:56 | El Mercurio Online

SANTIAGO.- President Michelle Bachelet spoke this morning about the controversy generated this past week over the rejection of her proposal to appoint Alfredo Pfeiffer to the Supreme Court.

In an interview with Radio ADN, Bachelet stated that “as is with any decision made by the Senate, I respect it and have no further commentary regarding this matter”. However, she did emphasize the importance of guaranteeing a system in which the Supreme Court nominates individuals with sufficient judicial capacity, but that it should not turn into “a negotiation or a two-party conglomerate”.

The President went on to dismiss the critiques made this Monday by the leader of the National Renovation party, Sebastián Piñera, who accused Bachelet of failing to follow through with public safety commitments.

The Executive indicated that every time her government has been criticized over the fight against crime, she has asked openly for proposals, and that, as much from the Alianza as from the Concertación, “there has generally been silence”.

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