Engineer accused of seducing underage girl over the Internet is set free

44 year-old Jaime Mayorga Benavides, was charged with inappropriate sexual abuse against a 17 year-old girl, who was reportedly a victim of “grooming”.

06 de Agosto de 2008 | 14:05 | El Mercurio Online

PUERTO VARAS.- 41 year-old engineer Jaime Mayorga Benavides, who was arrested yesterday for the “grooming” or sexual harassment of a minor over the Internet, was arraigned today on charges of inappropriate sexual abuse against an underage child.
The court of Puerto Varas decided to let the man go free, ruling that the charges instated against him by the Public Ministry did not warrant his arrest.

Nevertheless, Mayorga was prohibited from going near the victim, a 17 year-old girl, and a period of six months was issued for an investigation into the case.

Earlier today, the court had ruled that the arrest of the engineer was illegally performed after it was revealed that police had detained the man four hours before the arrest warrant had been issued.

The parents of the girl were disappointed with the decision made by the court; however they did acknowledge the job done by the public defender.  The parents also stated that their prompt intervention as a family protected their daughter from becoming a victim of more serious abuse. 

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