Chaitén registers possible reactivation of its eruptive process

The irregular activity registered within the rock mass has obligated vulcanologists to explore two possible scenarios: the end of an eruptive cycle or the beginning of an entirely new one.

14 de Agosto de 2008 | 14:30 | El Mercurio Online

CHAITÉN.- Despite the fact that no explosions were detected yesterday in the Chaitén volcano, the mass did display an increase in eruptive activity that resulted in the greater expulsion of ash from its crater.

This information was confirmed by the Police Chief of the city, Major Ricardo Contreras, who affirmed that as a result there has been a “visible increase” in particulate matter.

Although Chaitén may have experienced a decline in seismic activity last week, yesterday afternoon a minor quake was perceived in addition to the characteristic subterranean noise coming from within the mountain.  

In evaluation of the irregular activity registered in the volcano, vulcanologists of the Lake District have put forth two possible scenarios: the end of an eruptive cycle or the beginning of a new one. 

The latter case would be of greater concern; because it is not unfathomable that the volcano, which began to erupt on May 2, could repeat the process and that the eruption could go on for years in this cyclical manner.

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