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HUELVA.- The producer, Gabriel Agosín, emphasized the simplicity and universality of the film "El brindis", which debuted in the official competition of the Huelva Ibero-American Film Festival in Spain.
The brother of director Shai Agosín underlined the fact that the movie displays "a universal story that can happen anywhere". "It has a very simple storyline that differentiates itself from some of the other, more local, Ibero-American film topics, this one has a different kind of aim", explained Agosín, according the the Spanish newspaper "El País".
The producer also pointed out the film's location in Valparaíso, "a city that Neruda wanted to be recognized on a world-wide level", describing it as a "very Latin American" feature film.
The movie cost some 1.5 million dollars to make and features a cast including Mexican, Ana Serradilla, Argentine José Soriano and national actor Francisco Melo. The film will also be requested to open at the next Latin Festival in London.