Lagos Weber confronts criticism from the corporate sector

The Government spokesperson indicated that he does not agree with "the things that were said" at the closing speech for the 2007 Enade business meeting.

05 de Diciembre de 2007 | 14:07 | El Mercurio Online

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SANTIAGO.- After harsh criticism of the current Government given by the president of the Production and Trade Confederation (CPC), Alfredo Ovalle, during his closing speech of the 2007 Enade meeting, Government Secretary General, Ricardo Lagos Weber, stated that he does not agree with "the things that were said, nor the manner or tone".

Regarding accusations of "little strength" in handling labor union problems and criticism of the Executive Branch's conduct during the EFE and Chiledeportes corruption scandals, along with Transantiago's poor operation, the spokesman replied "this Government has a strong grip on the steering wheel".

"She (the President of the Republic) knows where she wants to go, our economic policies are clear", he stressed during an interview with Cooperativa radio station, agreeing with the President that the private sector should be more "self-critical".

In the state secretary's opinion, government and businesses "have moved away from each other a bit (…) away from what we worked so hard to build".

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