Tito Beltrán spends night in hospital after collapsing

The tenor, currently on trial for rape in Sweden, was held for observation. Doctors assert, however, that there are no indications of a more serious illness.

17 de Enero de 2008 | 13:18 | El Mercurio Online

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SANTIAGO.- The Swedish press continues to hound the Chilean-Swiss tenor Tito Beltrán, who is currently facing charges of sexual abuse against an 18 year-old nanny. The media circus has surrounded the area outside the Ystad hospital where Beltrán spent the night after collapsing during the third day of his trial.

Beltrán fainted after his pianist friend, Robert Wells, was questioned on the stand. Wells is the first witness to give a testimony in favor of the Chilean singer. The judge immediately called an ambulance to take Beltrán to the hospital for examination. According to the Swedish doctors, Beltrán was pale and unconscious upon arrival.

The singer spent the night in the hospital. His wife, Jenny Beltrán, was among those who were allowed to visit him. "This witch hunt against him is what caused him to collapse", she stated.

According to the medical report, there is no indication that Beltrán is suffering from a more serious condition. The singer will be released from the hospital sometime during the day, and his trial will resume on Monday.

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