Doctor finds it "unlikely" that Volodia Teitelboim will recover completely

The chief of the Intensive Care Unit at the Universidad Católica Hospital has said that the writer, who has been hospitalized at the facility since January 15th, is stable, but in a condition of constant, deep sleep, also known as sopor.

28 de Enero de 2008 | 16:59 | El Mercurio Online

SANTIAGO.- Writer Volodia Teiteboim currently remains in a stable, yet dormant state after being hospitalized at the Universidad Católica medical center since January 15th for pneumonitis and ensuing kidney problems.

According to the doctor in charge of the center's Intensive Care Unit, Francisco Javier Larrondo, Teitelboim is in stable condition "from a respiratory standpoint", but has "significant kidney failure and has not showed any signs of improvement in this aspect".

According to the doctor, Teiteboim, author of "Hijo del Salitre", is almost always sleeping but is "able to respond to certain stimuli", and is receiving low doses of sedatives to alleviate his pain.

A new medical report will be issued at 8:00 PM tonight to elaborate on any changes in Teitelboim´s condition, although Larrondo affirmed that it is "unlikely that he will recover completely from this".

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