Parts of pyroplastic chamber fall around Chaitén volcano

According to the National Geology and Mining Service, the base of the column has registered some small collapses that were not big enough to reach the town of Chaitén.

13 de Mayo de 2008 | 13:57 | El Mercurio Online

PUERTO MONTT.- A portion of the pyroclastic column that is being emanated from the Chaitén volcano has fallen upon the mountain’s surroundings.  Amid the eruptive activity, which has been ongoing for more than a week, experts have not ruled out the possibility that the column could descend upon the town closest to the volcano.

The column being emitted by the volcano consists of ash, rock fragments and steam.

Luis Lara, a vulcanologist for the National Geology and Mining Service (SERNAGEOMIN), has said that “small collapses” were registered at the base of the column, but were not large enough to reach the surrounding valleys or Chaitén, the town located in closest proximity to the volcano.

Lara warned that there continues to be a possibility that the column could suffer a single, strong collapse, which would completely destroy the evacuated town of Chaitén, located only 10 kilometers from the volcano.  On Monday, Chaitén was affected by runoff from a river that has been swelling due to the rain and ash.

The bank of the Blanco River flooded some four homes in the southern part of Chaitén, as well as the local police station.

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