Carlos Larrain: "This administration does not promote reconciliation"

The president of the National Renovation Party (RN) stated that by commemorating Salvador Allende at La Moneda, the government is "feeding the conflict".

12 de Septiembre de 2008 | 12:38 | ORBE

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SANTIAGO.- Following the violent disturbances of yesterday's commemoration of the 11th of September of 1973, the president of the National Renovation Party, Carlos Larraín, maintained that the Concertación is not creating the climate necessary to prevent the reoccurrence of these violent activities.

Larraín claims that the memorial events in honor of former President Salvador Allende sponsored at the governmental palace, serve only to "feed the conflict", and that they result invariably in incidents of violence.

Along this same strain, the councilor of Las Condes criticized the "excess of symbolism" that the former socialist president has been given in the public agenda, despite the sharp divisions that his figure has produced in this country.

"This administration not only does not promote the reconciliation of all Chileans, it also feeds the conflict" he affirmed.

He added that "the idea of national unity and looking to the future is completely foreign to those of the Concertación, who thrive on their condition of victims of September 11, 1973". 

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