Víctor Pérez: "It is surprising that Lagos is requesting special conditions in order to become a candidate"

The Secretary General of the UDI has stated that the nomination is the only chance for the former President to take responsibility following "the mistakes of his administration".

13 de Noviembre de 2008 | 14:50 | El Mercurio Online

SANTIAGO.- The Secretary General of the UDI, Víctor Pérez, stated today that "it is really surprising that Lagos is asking for special conditions in order to be a presidential candidate, when he is the one who owes many explanations to the country".

Pérez added that "the only reason it would be good for the nation if Lagos were a candidate is because it is the only way for him to compensate and take responsibility for all of the disasters that he left behind, which have cost the country millions of dollars".

"Until now, Lagos has dedicated his time to traveling the world and when Chile asks him about his errors, he gets angry and reacts with aggression", he added.

Pérez also stated, "we have to remind him that in a democracy, as leaders chosen by popular vote, we must give back to the citizens and we must be able to acknowledge our mistakes".

The UDI senator added that "Lagos, on the other hand, believes he is better than that and assumed that it is not necessary for him to offer explanations, as if here were some kind of untouchable being".

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