Latorre: The right wing is "very worried" about Frei's candidacy

The president of the DC has assured that the presidential hopeful for her party as well as the PS, is gaining strength while Piñera has stagnated and even lost some supporters.

19 de Enero de 2009 | 14:01 | El Mercurio Online

SANTIAGO. -  The president of the Christian Democracy, Deputy Juan Carlos Latorre, has refuted Alianza criticism that his party has become more leftist after Senator Eduardo Frei was proclaimed as the presidential candidate for the Socialist Party (PS). He responded by stating that the right is worried.

“Some sectors have voiced statements of criticism (…) due to pre-electoral anxiety.  It is understandable when a candidate (Frei) begins to gain strength each day, while Piñera´s campaign seems to have leveled out and perhaps even lost some supporters”, Latorre told Radio Cooperativa.

The DC president indicated that it was “tempting” to criticize the speech made by Frei, solely due to the fact that he included his idea to strengthen national government and accused the right-wing of holding a double standard in such matters.

Latorre posed an example, stating, “When the wheat growers take over the highway, the State is asked to provide a solution and we see that the State does not always have the necessary means to collaborate (…) because the legislation does not always allow this to happen”.

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