Eduardo Frei confident in triumph as he registers for Concertación primaries

The senator has stated that, with optimism and confidence, and in partnership with the PS, PPD and DC parties, he shall confront the challenging race to the La Moneda Presidential Palace as well as the renewal of the Chamber of Deputies and half of the Senate.

26 de Enero de 2009 | 15:00 | El Mercurio Online

SANTIAGO.-  Accompanied by the presidents of the Socialist Party, the PPD and the Christian Democracy (DC), Senator Eduardo Frei fulfilled the requirement to register for the internal Concertación primaries and insisted that he is confident that he will indeed make his way to the La Moneda presidential palace in December of this year.

“This is one stage in a journey that looked very grim a few months ago, but today it is bright and clear:  We are going to win in December in order to continue to build a nation that is more just, more humane and more unified”, stated the DC Senator.

Along with socialist party leader Camilo Escalona, PPD leader Pepe Auth, and DC leader Juan Carlos Latorre by his side, the former President assured that his new presidential campaign will be carried out seriously, responsibly and with the country in mind “because we understand that this is an important year, when not only the President of the Republic is elected, but the Chamber of Deputies and half of the Senate will also be renewed”.

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