SANTIAGO.- Despite a vamping up of the municipality’s security measures this summer, early this morning an unknown number of individuals managed to break into an electronics store in Las Condes.
According to preliminary reports, the thieves arrived at approximately 2:00 a.m. at the Aquos store, located at the intersection of Avenida Kennedy and Las Tranqueras, where they proceeded to break the padlock on the main gate of the establishment.
Once inside the store, the suspects were spotted by security guards. The watchmen were unable however, to stop the thieves from taking more than 25 million pesos worth of computers, plasma televisions, laptops and projectors.
After looting the store, the assailants fled the scene by car without leaving behind any kind of evidence that would help identify them. PDI officers are currently mounting an intensive search for the individuals while the investigation of the case has been placed under the jurisdiction of the East Public Prosecutor’s Office.