SANTIAGO.- La Moneda has voiced its unwavering support for the National Police Force after four of its members were arrested in connection to a network of corruption lead by Margarita Cuadros, who is a former official of the Bureau of Police Investigations (PDI) and Judicial Branch.
"The government offers its utmost support to the National Police and stands behind them during these unpleasant moments, which are just part of life, because it is impossible for all 42 thousand men and women of an institution to be saints", stated government spokesperson Francisco Vidal.
After assuring that their support is also extended towards the PDI, the minister claimed that the Executive Branch will "never" condemn an institution for the reprehensible behavior of a select few of its members.
"Let us never confuse the possible aberrant behavior of one member of a group with the entire institution, because what remains in Chile is not that one criminal that goes to jail, what remains with Chile is the police force", he declared while stressing the "merit" of the police force "to be able to detect such tumors".