Gary Burton concert cancelled

The jazz artist had been scheduled to perform on May 24th at the Teatro Oriente. Ticket reimbursements will be available beginning on Monday of next week.

08 de Mayo de 2009 | 15:04 | El Mercurio Online

SANTIAGO.- After winning a Grammy for best jazz album ("The new crystal silence", 2008) along with pianist Chick Corea, Gary Burton had planned to appear in Chile. The musician has played a major role in this music genre for the past 35 years and was the creator of the four-drumstick technique on the vibraphone.

Burton was scheduled to play the latest quintet by Astor Piazzolla on May 24th at the Teatro Oriente, however low ticket sales forced his producers to cancel the world class performance.

Fénix, the production company coordinating the concert, nevertheless announced that those who had purchased tickets to the show will have the favorable option of trading in their stubs for two tickets to the concert by free jazz saxophonist Ornette Coleman, along with his quartet on May 9th at the Teatro Caupolicán.

The other option for customers will be to request that the tickets be reimbursed as of Monday at Puntoticket sales centers, Ripley department stores, or designated Cinemark locales.