SANTIAGO.- The Ministry of Health confirmed two new cases of human influenza this morning, bringing the total number of people diagnosed with the illness nationwide to four.
"One of the cases corresponds to a woman that had been travelling with a person that was previously diagnosed. She is currently hospitalized and in good health condition. The second case (…) involves a six year-old boy in the Metropolitan Region who is receiving treatment, is at his home and is in good condition", stated the head of the Epidemiology Department of the Ministry of Health (Minsal), Dr. Claudia González.
Dr. González also announced that the Ministry of Health and Metropolitan regional government office (SEREMI) have begun a corresponding epidemiological investigation to pinpoint the origin of the contagious illness that has affected the child and look into the possible existence of other cases.
"One of the measures that has been taken to contain the virus has been the closure of the boy's school for seven days; the Ministry will visit the location to evaluate the situation and implement appropriate epidemiological quarantine measures", assured González.
The Ministry of Health has denied any community contamination of the disease and stressed that educational facilities should continue to function as normal.