Apples, lettuce and potatoes display price differences of up to 200% between supermarkets and open markets

When it comes to one type of apple, average prices fluctuated between $599 pesos at supermarkets in the eastern part of the city and $200 pesos at street markets in the southern portion of the capital.

25 de Mayo de 2009 | 13:06 | El Mercurio Online

SANTIAGO. -  According to a poll taken by the Ministry of Agriculture through the Consumer Unit of the Agricultural Studies and Policy Office (ODEPA), apples, romaine lettuce and potatoes displayed the most significant price differences this week with variations of up to 200% between supermarkets and open markets.

In the case of Granny Smith apples, the price variation reached 200%, with averages fluctuating between $599 pesos at supermarkets in the eastern part of Santiago and $200 pesos at open fruit and vegetable markets in the southern sector of the capital.

The differences observed between romaine lettuce and desirée potatoes reached 195%, with both vegetables selling for between $590 and $200 pesos.  In the case of lettuce, the most expensive prices were found in supermarkets in the southern part of the city, while the cheapest prices were observed in open-air markets in the west and northern parts of the capital.

Meanwhile, potatoes showed highest prices at retail establishments in the southern and western parts of Santiago, with lowest prices being observed at open-air markets in the southern area of the capital.


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