SANTIAGO.- On the one-year anniversary of the death of National Police Director José Alejandro Bernales and his entourage in a helicopter accident in Panama, the Chilean government has expressed hope that the nation will announce its decision regarding the damages agreement for the families of the victims before President Martín Torrijos leaves office.
"We trust that the agreement reached by the current governmental administration of Panama will be signed and, of course, with regards to the execution of the agreement there is the matter of State continuity, (because) here we are not only talking about a governmental administration, we are talking about the Panamanian State and that is the point that we need to stress", stated Minister of Foreign Affairs Alberto Van Klaveren.
The stance taken by the Executive Branch was reaffirmed by Attorney Luis Bates, who is the president of the bi-national commission formed to reach an agreement on damages. Bates highlighted the willingness of both countries to reach a "concrete and successful" resolution.
Despite the disappointment that was publicly expressed by the eldest son of General Bernales, Alejandro Bernales Bianchini, due to the delay in receiving a response from the Panamanian government, Bates denied that there has been any postponement. According to the attorney, the processes to be carried out in such a matter "are complex".