Larraín: "Lavín cannot question the legal rights of representatives"

The UDI president assured that he respects the former presidential candidate’s opinion regarding the constitutional charges being brought against Yasna Provoste, but said that Lavín cannot stop the Members of Parliament from deliberating.

20 de Marzo de 2008 | 13:53 | El Mercurio Online

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SANTIAGO.-  The UDI president, Harnán Larraín,  seemed  content about the intervention of the Comptroller’s Office, although bitter because “March came along and a conflict had escalated to an unbelievable level” referring to the current controversy between Carolina Plaza and former presidential candidate Joaquín Lavín.

Larraín said that “things moved very fast and we couldn’t get everything in order, but it has finally happened”, referring to the intervention of the Comptroller’s Office.

Concerning the different versions given by Plaza and Lavín, Larraín said, “Each is claiming that the other made mistakes.  I am not a judge, hopefully they are all innocent”.  

Regarding Lavín´s opposition to the constitutional charges against the Minister of Education, Yasna Provoste, he stated “what I disagree with is that he has come to a conclusion, and I don’t know how well-founded his opinion is, he is casting doubts on everything the representatives have done.  He can voice his opinion but he shouldn’t question the right of the representatives, nor say that they have been progressing irresponsibly”.


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