Health professionals announce strike due to "government noncompliance"

The leaders of Fenpruss stated that the day of demonstrations would begin tomorrow at 8:00 AM.

16 de Junio de 2008 | 13:45 | El Mercurio Online

SANTIAGO.- Holding activities at various hospitals throughout the country, the Board of Directors for the National Federation of University and Health Service Professionals (Fenpruss) has approved a strike scheduled for tomorrow to protest (as the group attests) the “series of failures” on the part of the current government administration to comply with previous agreements that had been reached with the organization.

Fenpruss leaders said that the day of demonstrations would begin at 8:00AM tomorrow and maintained that only emergency medical attention would be guaranteed.

Additionally, the leaders asserted that the organization would consider prolonging the protests if the government fails to issue a response.

“We are tired of the national authority not respecting the agreements it has signed with unions.  Even though there has been  a regulation under Law No. 20,209  for our sector since last year, it still has not be implemented in matters such as providing new positions”, stated the president of Fenpruss, Claudio González.