Fedefruta says decrease in dollar could cause price hikes

According to the president of the entity, Rodrigo Echeverría, "any decrease in the dollar brings negative consequences for us".

25 de Febrero de 2009 | 15:03 | Economía y Negocios Online

SANTIAGO.- The president of Fedefruta (Fruit Growers' Federation of Chile), Rodrigo Echeverría, stated today that the decline in the dollar could cause prices on fruit products to increase.

The executive told Radio Agricultura, "Any decrease in the dollar brings negative consequences for us. The value of the dollar is passed on to consumers by national producers. It is going to affect our sales strategy, since we no longer enjoy such a comfortable price and we could have a break in consumption affecting people".

Despite the effects of the currency drop –due to an announcement made by the Ministry of Finance indicating it would sell dollars-, Echeverría said that he believed the measure was necessary to help the country confront the current crisis.

"We cannot deny that we have had to spend money that was saved during times of high copper prices, although it could have been apportioned. If we had started this earlier, we would be in a better position. Excessive spending could cause the CPI to skyrocket, we have to be careful about that", the president of Fedefruta declared.

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