Shop owner in Puerto Montt shot after being robbed four times

Carlos Aguilar is currently listed in critical condition at the city's hospital.

13 de Abril de 2009 | 13:04 | ORBE

PUERTO MONTT.- Shop owner Carlos Enrique Aguilar Levinieri is currently listed in critical condition at the Hospital Base in Puerto Montt. The man was reportedly shot while resisting the fourth robbery to take place at his grocery and liquor store where a group of assailants arrived to steal the establishment's weekend earnings.

Fed up with the burglars, Carlos Aguilar resisted the attack and received a gunshot wound that injured his carotid artery and punctured one of his lungs. As a result of his wounds, Aguilar has been hooked up to a mechanical ventilator and is listed in very serious condition.

The suspects arrived at Aguilar's shop in car after committing a similar crime at the "Migas" bakery in the neighborhood of Alerce, where they made off with a total of 600 thousand pesos.

Thanks to a quick response on the part of the Sección de Investigación Policial (National Police Investigation Department, SIP), two of the perpetrators were apprehended and identified as 22 year-old Gustavo Adolfo Ríos Cárdenas (aka. "El Gringo"), as well as 20 year-old Víctor Eduardo Pozo Alvarado. At the time of their arrest, the young men were found to be in possession of a portion of the money stolen during the crimes.

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